by Admin
Posted on 15-06-2023 10:19 AM
Here are a few effective ways of ensuring repeat visitors:
• through newsletters or emails, you can create brand/product awareness, introduce them to new product/service launches, can promote your blog posts with links to your website. • focus on building a user-friendly website. Users will more often than not come back to your website if they have had a hassle-free, positive experience during the first visit.
• if you establish your website or blog as an authority in your industry, visitors will come directly to your site when they are looking for something specific. •
media platforms like facebook, google, and instagram are great for promoting your content and attracting more visitors to your site.
In general, word of mouth refers to consumer perception regarding the degree to which other customers recommend and share the latter’s social media experiences [ 13 ]. Consumers like to share their positive or negative experiences on social media [ 67 ]. An industry survey has revealed that a whopping 91% of respondents would consider online reviews, ratings, etc. , prior to any product purchases from e-commerce sites.
In contrast, nearly 46% agree that such reviews influence their purchasing decisions [ 70 ]. Consumers’ comments on social media facilitate prospective consumers’ awareness and help build the brand image that later influences purchase intention [ 44 ].
Social media make it easy for your customers to come in touch with you, research about your services, and contact you for extra information. You should adopt consistent, well-designed visual deliverables (logo, images, etc. ) and engage customers to research more about you. Provide them all available ways of communication such as social media accounts, customer support forms, or email addresses.
Engagement between your business and customers is vital to retain customers. You can increase engagement by regularly sending customers emails, newsletters, or social media messages. You can include news about new products, promotions and discounts, exclusive offers, and more in your communications. Nonetheless, while it’s important to communicate with customers, it’s also important not to overwhelm them with too many messages from your company. Find the right balance, so your customers aren’t bombarded with too many emails or messages but still feel appreciated.
Businesses are increasingly using social media and digital marketing to connect with potential customers. But with social media becoming more integrated into our everyday lives, using it to retain your existing customers is also an important practice. Engaged and happy customers are great assets - they typically become repeat customers and will also help spread the good word about your business, which is particularly relevant given the increased connectivity of the social era. So how can you use social media to help retain customers? here are six tips:.
Marketing may get you new customers, but it is how well you engage with the customers that ensure you retain them. In engaging your customers, no platform could perform as effectively as social media. Considering the extensive penetration that social media has in the social fabric, the channel has become a great avenue for customer engagement and retention strategies for businesses. Chiaroscuro bags, a homegrown artisanal premium leather bagmaker brand from india, has demonstrated the power of social media in customer retention in its purest quintessence: [ source ] the brand invites customers to take photographs using their products and uploads these pictures on its own instagram feed , letting the world know how happy it makes them.